This has to do with your PC and the games A.I.and processing speeds.

In selecting Your map size, if you want lots of trees and animations, etc, and also want an 'underground', then select nothing larger than 'large' with normal or smaller being better. I’ve been told there is a way to do that but he could not remember the method used to change the maps default. I’ve not been able to change my original single player maps to multiplayer. I apologize if my not knowing this before has caused anyone headaches but better late than never. If you think there is any chance you may want others to play this map with you…always pick “Multiplayer“. Important! When starting a new map by either the default pop-up or by selecting “File”/then ‘New‘, you will receive an option to pick either Multiplayer’ or ‘Single-Mission’. It is also assumed that it will be a 'single-player, single-mission map' that can be modified for other gaming-modes later. An assumption is made that a new map-maker has a PC that is 'middle-of-the-road in Stats. These are guidelines and not etched in stone. ***Read my dedicated topic "Mindsprinkles about mapping" post in this thread just for fun, before beginning a map. They also did a Griffin for Griffin King map objective.

One thing I took from HoMM 3 was making a map of a Dragon and going from there.

Of course you can create your own fictional world. Create something from History.(sortof)I have used real-world maps of counties, states, regions etc. Mapsįind the HoMM storyline and retell or create your own story based on it. You also have available 2 other threads loaded with all sorts of info. The latest Fan Manual is a "must-read" Fan Manual Map making suggestions for those brand new to the Editor.